English Translations with Webnovels AI

We're more than just MTL or google translate translators. We're a group of real native speakers in various asian languages joining forces to create a platform for readers and translators to work with AI.

“Why AI Translations?”

As a group of translators ourselves who have been providing translated novels to the community, our belief is that novel translations are something that should be shared, many novels now take a long time to translate as these are human translations.
We can see there is a gap for people who want a balance between readable english translations and speed to getting their translations.
Although AI and MTL tools have evolved and grown it is still a premature technology to call it perfect, this is why we are pooling together our resources now to create Webnovels AI, a hopeful future for when anyone can read novels in any language.

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Webnovels AI Team
Made with ❤️ for our customers and supporters

What makes us different from Google or DeepL?

We are translators ourselves and our translations have always been of the highest quality for a fan translation we can give. We know what both readers and translators want and expect from their novels.

Why should I use Webnovels AI?

We have THE ONLY tool on the market for translating asian novels specifically and in bulk, with capability for nuance with glossaries and direct improvement. We’re improving the platform everyday with user feedback <3